I’m Jess
A mom of 3 littles, married to my high school sweetheart and a registered nurse. Self declared coffee addict and lover of all things chocolate. Over my motherhood years I became obsessed with taking photos of my babies just so I could hold on to their littleness a little bit longer. While on maternity leave with my last baby I decided I would take the leap and buy myself a camera and start a little passion project. I love being a mom and a nurse but being a photographer truly fills my “me” cup and brings me so much happiness.
I learned all things photography from mentoring with photographers in the area. They taught me ALOT. I am so thankful to have the support and community in the photography world.
I truly couldn’t be where I am today without the support of my family and friends. They put up with all my crazy ideas and courage me along the way!
My goal is to create a space where everyone enjoys themselves while capturing real memories with the people you love most!
Anyways I better go catch up on the chaos but I hope to see you behind the lens real soon!
My littles who I’m mildly obsessed with.